
Ben Edwards funkytwig at
Wed Oct 27 20:03:25 UTC 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 18:37:04 +0100, sparkes <sparkes at> wrote:
> Although moin allows us to do this it is also pretty much limited to the
> wiki.  ReST would be the best option IMHO due to it's portability.

For me the main issue is ease of use - wiki wiki web ;)

Is things like the TableOfCentence that I really think made the old wiki fly.  

I dont know how complicated ReST is but I get the fealing that the
learning curve may be a bit byond normal wiki learning curves.

It also seems that TableOfCentence is not actualy posible - without
enabeling DTML - and then it is farly complicated :(

If this is the case I would go fo moin - but its broken - I am
begining to despare ;)

I actualy think it is very important for the wiki to standardise - ime
stuck between a rock and a hard place.

> >
> > Thanks
> > Lu
> >
> >
> sparkes
> --
> <davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"
> --
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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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