CC meeting preliminary notes

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Tue Oct 26 05:37:45 UTC 2004

> The idea of a book is really nice, off-course it also takes a lot of
> time so it should be planned well. But it sure sounds nice especially
> if it could be build/tweaked within the wiki
I don't want to hurt feelings and I would love the help but the book is
something that will be written by one person mainly.  I have stepped up
to this task and welcome input but I don't want it having the writing
style of a hundred people.  I hope people don't take that wrong, but if
I am going to take the time to write it, I want it to be the best it can

> Writing an Ubuntu magazine, what is the public opinion? The guys from
> gnome-journal have problems filling up issues, but it sure looks nice.
> If we add stuff to Ubuntu traffic then we lighten mako's burden and
> always have something to write.
I think the magazine is great, but don't know if I have time to really
work on it so I leave it to others to be done.  Can't wait to see what
you guys do with it.

John Hornbeck

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