CC meeting preliminary notes

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Tue Oct 26 05:26:45 UTC 2004

To reply to mu own mail, two more things i would like to add:

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 08:19:25 +0300, Alexander Poslavsky
<alexander.poslavsky at> wrote:
> Hi DocTeam!
> tonight will be the CC-meeting and it would be nice if we can get some
> decisions on the DocTeam as well. I will not be able to make it
> probably, if it starts earlier i'll be at the beginning if not i might
> be at the end... anyway some thoughts i think that need to be covered:
> It would be good if we have a team-leader, it might bring more
> structure to our team and make us more productive and effective.
> What do people think of the wiki so far? I find it hard to find the
> important stuf (=Howto pages etc). How to make the wiki more
> accessible.
> Other languages. Are the toplinks ok (look at NefFrontPage) for an
> example? Naming for other languages, i like ComoSomething for spanish
> Howto's better then SpanishWikiPage. It will be easier to find stuff
> if pages are name logically/consistantly.
> What to do with the new wiki, does it work, when will we start to use
> it? What will be the preferred markup-language? Kupu is easiest but
> then all pages will look differently, moin is easiest, then we still
> have structured and restructured text. The last two are powerfull but
> need better, easier documentation.
> If we are supposed to start using the new wiki then we need help and
> documentation. I have been making pages but it is difficult to make
> normal pages, links to other pages. I do not understand why some pages
> are Singletons and some are not, why do some pages pop up in the
> side-bar and how do i remove them from there? And how do i put a page
> i made in the side-bar? Can we ask wiki-questions on the
> ubuntu-doc-mailinglist, on irc?
> The ubuntu-doc list seems a really good idea. We should thank whoever
> thought that up. Off course it would be nice if in the future at least
> the documentation-leader would be in the loop of changes that have
> influence on the docteam. He could the keep the rest of the team
> up-to-date.
> thanks for your time and comments,
> greets, AP
The idea of a book is really nice, off-course it also takes a lot of
time so it should be planned well. But it sure sounds nice especially
if it could be build/tweaked within the wiki

Writing an Ubuntu magazine, what is the public opinion? The guys from
gnome-journal have problems filling up issues, but it sure looks nice.
If we add stuff to Ubuntu traffic then we lighten mako's burden and
always have something to write.

well, that seems already a lot of things to talk about.

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