CC meeting preliminary notes

sparkes sparkes at
Tue Oct 26 07:15:21 UTC 2004

John Hornbeck wrote:
>>The idea of a book is really nice, off-course it also takes a lot of
>>time so it should be planned well. But it sure sounds nice especially
>>if it could be build/tweaked within the wiki
> I don't want to hurt feelings and I would love the help but the book is
> something that will be written by one person mainly.  I have stepped up
> to this task and welcome input but I don't want it having the writing
> style of a hundred people.  I hope people don't take that wrong, but if
> I am going to take the time to write it, I want it to be the best it can
> be.

what happened to ubuntu?

Books are often written by teams and edited by a small number of people. 
  This is more common in technical arena than anywhere else.  I was 
asked to write a couple of chapters on a forthcoming suse book (dispite 
the fact I don't use suse) that would have just had me as a contributor 
and not one of the two authors.

I was asked to write an unoffical book already (before I joined the doc 
team offically) and I am sure other people have/will have offers like 
this on the table.

Working together on one book in an open style is more in keeping with 
what we are doing than each to their own.

This brings me to another point the licencing of wiki text.  I believe 
that documentation for a free software project should use the GNU FDL 
and the CC back up this point.  Therefore I am suggesting how-to's and 
the like require a licence compatable with the FDL for inclusion.  This 
would allow us to repurpose the work and edit without any licence problems.

If my words are written using the FDL I would not let you reuse them in 
a commercial setting :-(  this includes using derivatives of my work for 
*your* book.  If it was *our* book (edited by whoever I don't care) it 
could be FDL and the words could be used without change if required.
>>Writing an Ubuntu magazine, what is the public opinion? The guys from
>>gnome-journal have problems filling up issues, but it sure looks nice.
>>If we add stuff to Ubuntu traffic then we lighten mako's burden and
>>always have something to write.
> I think the magazine is great, but don't know if I have time to really
> work on it so I leave it to others to be done.  Can't wait to see what
> you guys do with it.

So you have time to write a book for money and add free docs to the wiki 
but not to write the odd short article for a free project?
> John Hornbeck


<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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