PATCH: Listen to music common task

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Tue Nov 23 13:37:12 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 13:08 +0000, Gordon Ingram wrote:
> As I posted last night, I've made a start on the 'Listen to music'
> common task. Now I wake up to find I'm supposed to send a 'patch' to the
> 'list'?!? Sheesh. Anyway, after beating my head against my keyboard in a
> fit of rage, I somehow ended up with this patch file. It seems to apply
> against revision 57, by doing 'patch -p0 < chap-music.patch' in the faq
> directory. It's very much a work in progress, and I hope you'll all
> thoroughly review it before it gets applied. If it sucks, please do
> point me to style guidelines or something.
> In all seriousness, this patch submission method is probably the best
> way to do things for now.
> Gordon

Looks good to me.  I went ahead and commited.


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