Mooloolaba Ubuntu-focused Bazaar sprint

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Nov 6 22:58:50 GMT 2009

On Fri, 2009-11-06 at 10:45 -0500, Francis J. Lacoste wrote:
> >  * Design session on patch management tools: looms, pipelines, etc.
> Please also discuss bzr-builder as this is currently seen as the tool
> to embed 
> in Launchpad for building source package branches.

Can you expand on that? For grumpy I imagine bzr-builder being very
useful (I've been using it and fed a 'watch PPA builds' feature to James
Westby recently), but I don't see why bzr-builder is useful or relevant
to source package builds?

bzr-builddeb is (AFAIK) the only way to build a proper debian upload
from a source branch, with matching sha1's for the upstream tarball, not
a native upload etc :- thats the thing we're aiming to end up in the
Ubuntu archive for BFB builds, isn't it?

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