Mooloolaba Ubuntu-focused Bazaar sprint

James Westby jw+debian at
Mon Nov 9 17:40:56 GMT 2009

On Fri Nov 06 17:58:50 -0500 2009 Robert Collins wrote:
> Can you expand on that? For grumpy I imagine bzr-builder being very
> useful (I've been using it and fed a 'watch PPA builds' feature to James
> Westby recently), but I don't see why bzr-builder is useful or relevant
> to source package builds?
> bzr-builddeb is (AFAIK) the only way to build a proper debian upload
> from a source branch, with matching sha1's for the upstream tarball, not
> a native upload etc :- thats the thing we're aiming to end up in the
> Ubuntu archive for BFB builds, isn't it?

There is scope for unifying the tools so that you can get the listed
features when going through bzr-builder as well.

Once that is done then BFB almost becomes a build from a degenerate

Then there are two things to consider, Launchpad architecture, and adoption.

For the former it may be that the LP team wishes to implement one "backend",
with BFB being pushed through as a simple recipe. That's up to them.

For the latter having BFB being presented as one end of a scale with grumpy
at the other might help inspire people to try different things, and drive
adoption of daily builds. There are some issues to work out here, but in
principle this is possible.



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