Proposal to drop Ubuntu alternate CDs for 12.10

a.grandi at a.grandi at
Thu Aug 30 03:58:35 UTC 2012

Hi Steve,

On 29 August 2012 22:29, Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at> wrote:
> The purpose of the alternate CD is to install an Ubuntu desktop.  If the
> desktop is not usable for you, then what purpose does it serve to use the
> alternate CD instead of the desktop CD?  You're then only testing the
> alternate installer itself, which we want to discontinue anyway.  So it
> would be better to get rid of it to save testers from spending time doing
> such testing!

I have a very simple solution: create a single .iso and set ubiquity
as default installer, BUT also give the user the possibility to press
$A_KEY_YOU_DEFINE to boot Ubuntu in TEXT MODE (aka = boot using
alternate installer).

Is it so difficoult to have both installer on the same CD and let the
user choose what he/she wants? In this way you won't have the problem
to create a separated.iso to test.

I hope you will take this solution in serious consideration and you
will make everyone happy!

Best regards,

Andrea Grandi - Nokia-DX/Tampere / Qt Ambassador
Ubuntu Member:

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