Ubuntu Release Sprint

a.grandi at gmail.com a.grandi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 08:18:35 UTC 2012


On 20 August 2012 10:38, Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt at canonical.com> wrote:
> Excellent idea.

thank you for the reply and the feedback :)

> On that page, you suggest having one of these sprints in July and one
> in January.
> Why not do it every week?

because even if we did an Hangout for the half of the blueprints
discussed in the previous UDS, it would take at least 4 hours for 5
days of the week.

Imagine it like being at UDS: we usually have many parallel tracks, we
start at 9:00 in the morning and we usually finish at 17 or 18. You
would be able to spend all this time every week? Maybe smaller sprints
once a month would be doable, but every week I'm not convinced :)

Anyway, it would be a good start to organize at least one, let's see
how it goes, get feedback from developers and community contributor
about how to improve it and then use this feedback to organize a new

>> Maybe we should schedule a session at next UDS to talk about this?
> Why wait until then? Why not start now?

you are right! I was just thinking that maybe organizing this
face-to-face would be easier, but.... why don't we simply schedule an
Hangout session soon and discuss about it?
It would be the best way to test if it works :)

Best regards,

p.s: I'm available almost any day for the Hangout, starting from
18:00, Helsinki time.

Andrea Grandi - Nokia-DX/Tampere / Qt Ambassador
Ubuntu Member: https://launchpad.net/~andreagrandi
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it

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