Ubuntu Release Sprint

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Mon Aug 20 07:38:27 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

a.grandi at gmail.com wrote on 16/08/12 13:53:
> ...
> From an UDS and the next one, it would be useful to have a
> development sprint where people can talk about assigned UDS
> blueprints, at which point they are on their tasks, if they have
> any problems and if they will finish them within the next UDS.

Excellent idea.

> Of course Canonical cannot organize another meeting, it would be
> very expensive, so the idea is: why don't we use Google Hangout to
> organize the sprint? I has a limit of 10 people, I know, but we
> could select (for example) 5 from the community and 5 from
> Canonical. There would be parallel meeting and tracks, we would use
> the same blueprints used during the last UDS and we would add
> further notes. The attendees would be able to listen and watch the
> stream and make questions through the available chat.
> I've also created a wiki page with more informations and you can
> find it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuReleaseSprint

On that page, you suggest having one of these sprints in July and one
in January.

Why not do it every week?

> What do you think about? I know that Canonical is already
> organizing sprints and this could be a way to involve more the
> Ubuntu Community.
> Maybe we should schedule a session at next UDS to talk about this?
> ...

Why wait until then? Why not start now?

- -- 

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