dh_python2 porting jam, this Thursday June 23rd

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 24 12:44:43 UTC 2011

On Jun 21, 2011, at 12:19 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>This Thursday, June 23rd, we are going to have a dh_python2 porting jam.  If
>you know about packaging, and have meddled with Python packaging before, we
>invite you to hang out and port a load of packages with us.

I want to personally thank everybody who came by and worked on packages
yesterday.  It was a fantastic turnout, and we got many packages ported.  Some
were uploaded to Ubuntu, many patches were forwarded to Debian, and a few
await upstream merges.  As could be expected, some packages were easy and
others fairly difficult, but I hope that everyone who participated learned
something and had a fun time (I know I did :).  Thanks so much for your
contributions to Ubuntu!

I'm going to continue to hang out in #ubuntu-pyjam as much as possible, so
please do continue the great work.  Just ping me and I'll happily review and
sponsor your branches and patches.

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