Patch pilot Report 2011-06-10

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sat Jun 11 14:42:19 UTC 2011

Benjamin Drung <bdrung at> wrote:

>Am Freitag, den 10.06.2011, 13:09 +0200 schrieb Didier Roche:
>> Those issues where we loose contributor and our time just for
>> and reporting commits in the right branch make me think that for
>> team branch (as most of them are in
>> ~ubuntu-desktop/<package_name>/ubuntu, we should maybe point the
>> canonical branch (lp:ubuntu/<pakage_name>) to them? Same with compiz
>> which is under ~compiz?
>Yes, please use lp:ubuntu/<package_name>.

Aren't the ubuntu-desktop branches /debian only branches and the canonical UDD branches are full source branches? It seems to me these should not be mixed in the same namespace.

Scott K

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