Uploading to multiple distros

Iain Lane laney at debian.org
Thu Jun 2 12:45:19 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 02, 2011 at 01:20:08PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>Didier Raboud writes ("Re: Color Management in Debian"):
>> Given that Debian is currently not frozen (and that the Oneiric
>> release will very probably happen before Wheezy's), I really think
>> that not uploading those packages to Debian first would be a shame,
>> as this would only mean doubling efforts.
> [...]
>At the very least it should be possible to do one upload to two
>distros without altering the debian/changelog.
>For this to work I think the "suite" target in the changelog entry
>should be qualified by the distro, so you could say (picking a random
>  picocom (1.4-1) debian:unstable ubuntu:oneiric; urgency=low
>    * new upstream version:
>      - Changed the behavior of the C-a command. Now pressing C-a
>	   twice sends C-a to the serial port
>      - Added the C-\ command that generates a break sequence
>      - Added (optional) UUCP-lockfiles support
>   -- Oliver Kurth <oku at debian.org>  Tue, 14 Sep 2004 11:25:07 -0700
>or something.

You can do this already by using syncpackage(1) from ubuntu-dev-tools — 
I don't think the archive software looks at the changelog, but the 
distribution in the changes file.

For "normal" syncs we generally advise not using syncpackage, but it 
might make sense when doing simultaneous uploads.

This at least works when uploading packages prepared for Debian to 
Ubuntu. I'm not sure how well Debian's infrastructure would cope if the 
changelog specifies an Ubuntu release.

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