Shall we hide the GUI for Hibernate in Natty?

Marco Trevisan (Treviño) mail at
Thu Feb 17 04:44:22 UTC 2011

Il giorno lun, 31/01/2011 alle 11.04 -0800, Rick Spencer ha scritto:
> Hello all,
> This email is to get some feedback and discussion about an idea under
> consideration for Ubuntu in Natty.
> Natty is currently NOT showing the Hibernate option in the list of
> shutdown choices. This is currently an experiment, but I thought it
> might be worth discussing the pros and cons on these lists as well.
> The reasoning for hiding Hibernate includes:
> 1. It doesn't work well for many users on many machines.

This is partly true: it has improved a lot in recent times...

> 2. It's very slow.

True, unfortunately true. But this is valid just for the standard kernel
hibernation. Using TuxOnIce would improve a *lot* the usability and
speed. Until something like TuxOnIce would be in the kernel, the
hibernation is completely useless, if not damaging (sometimes ubuntu in
low battery starts hibernating and it takes many minutes to perform the
task, while it's impossible to stop the process!).

> 3. It's not as useful because users can just suspend.
Mh, not true... Suspending is useful, but sometimes I really need to
hibernate (i.e. remove laptop battery, keep it away from AC for long

> 4. The difference between hibernate and suspend is confusing.


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