Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

Dave Walker DaveWalker at
Fri Apr 8 09:07:25 UTC 2011

On 08/04/11 04:46, Alex Launi wrote:
> I can honestly say that when I am not in a unity environment, I don't 
> feel at home. I bounce back and forth between ubuntu and osx, and when 
> nvidia was broken, and when I'm in osx, I often find myself trying to 
> 4 finger slide, throwing my mouse to 0,0, tapping super, and generally 
> evoking unity idioms. unity has very quickly made itself a 
> *very* natural part of my workflow and i couldn't imagine working 
> without it any more.
> It's leagues beyond anything I've ever used, and I am massively 
> impressed with what we've created.
> -- 
> --Alex Launi

I would like to echo this point aswell.  Increasingly, when using an 
Android phone - I'm finding that not having a whizzy hotkey to open a 
text input area, then be able to type the app name is frustrating.

The area I am lacking in Unity is following the correct terminology, and 
ability to discover some of the hotkey shortcuts.  The reliability has 
increased massively within the last two weeks.

Additionally, shipping this as default will help uncover more issues 
which will continue to become unresolved until it does hit the masses.  
If Beta 2 does yield some negative feedback, perhaps adding some 
notification on first login how to revert back to Classic desktop might 
help satisfy those that struggle with the conversion.

Kind Regards,
Dave Walker
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