brainstorming for UDS-N - Package Selection and Defaults

Krzysztof Klimonda kklimonda at
Fri Oct 1 20:50:36 BST 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 22:41 +0300, Jani Monoses wrote:
> >> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 15:52, Jorge O. Castro<jorge at>  wrote:
> >>> You are both correct, what an opportune time to finally get rid of the
> >>> insane notion that an operating system needs an IRC client by default!
> >>>
> >>> (I am totally serious, and flames offlist please. :) )
> >>
> >> I have to agree with Jorge here.  Outside of my geeky friends and fellow
> >> Ubuntu developers, most people don't know what IRC even is.
> >
> > The only mode of real-time tech support within the Ubuntu community?
> But the notion of real time tech support itself is also quite geeky. 
> Users who are savvy enough will probably google or maybe search the 
> Ubuntu fora directly for answers, while the others will rely on people 
> who installed Ubuntu on their machine for tech support.
> I am not sure how popular LP Answers is, but if IRC is really needed 
> then providing an official web-based IRC client/proxy by default will 
> probably cover the real time interaction requirement without the 
> complexities that come with a fully featured IRC client.

Sure, so we don't need a fully featured IRC client but I disagree that
removing support for IRC from Telepathy is a good idea - I, for one,
have used IRC in the past when booted from the LiveCD (if only to chat
with friends while I wait for something to finish). telepathy-idle takes
only 220kB installed, less then 70kB when compressed - I don't think
it's worth the effort to remove it completely.

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