continuing conversation from UDS-N - Application Review Board

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Nov 11 15:52:46 GMT 2010

On Wednesday, November 10, 2010 09:25:40 pm Allison Randal wrote:
> I've drafted a proposal for the Tech Board based on our discussions at
> UDS and on ubuntu-devel. The ARB is still reviewing it, but we'd also
> like to open it up for broader review:
> Let us know of any changes (anything I missed, or that doesn't seem to
> accurately reflect the discussions). We'll try to finalize it next week.

I wasn't in all the the ARB related sessions, so perhaps this got rediscussed 
in a session I didn't attend, but my recollection was that the idea for 
Maverick was to put everything in /opt except for things like .desktop files 
that need to be in the user's path to work and to drop those into an extras 
specific location that would be in the user's path, but not the system path.

Scott K

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