Place for DDs and DMs to request syncs

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Mon Aug 16 13:43:54 BST 2010

2010/8/15 Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at>:
> The correct place for that would be on, not
> alioth. But Debian developers are usually not big fans of Web UIs, so
> something that works via email or using a shell script is enough.

I'm an Ubuntu user turned into Debian Developer and I tend to like web
UIs to an extent, especially If there are any
others like me, or if we want more Ubuntu people to eventually "do the
right thing" (in my opinion:) and start participating directly in
Debian, this would be nice.

I think there is quite less need for any easy Launchpad -> Debian
action. The packages that are only in Ubuntu can be hand-picked (and
carefully examined) to the extent that something truly useful is found
in eg. universe.

-Timo (I don't have post right to ubuntu-devel but cc:ing anyway)

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