Place for DDs and DMs to request syncs

Barry Warsaw barry at
Sat Aug 14 16:01:19 BST 2010

On Aug 14, 2010, at 02:57 PM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

>Who talked about getting involved in Ubuntu development?
>The use case for that is Debian maintainers who aren't interested in
>getting involved in Ubuntu development, but know that version 1.0-2 of
>their package is really much better than version 1.0-1 (currently in
>Ubuntu) because many important bugs were fixed, and would like an easy
>to notify someone, so 1.0-2 can be in the next Ubuntu release instead
>of 1.0-1.
>Of course we can advertise requestsync more, but having a fallback
>mechanism for people not willing to setup requestsync would be good

As someone who's really just starting to get both feet wet (I don't yet know
whether the right or left is Ubuntu or Debian :), I actually think both
processes are pretty daunting.  Yes, there are lots of folks who can provide
great help and mentorship, but I also think the tools we use could help make
things easier.

For example, let's say I dip my toes into the Ubuntu lake first.  I quickly
learn that it's best to upload to Debian first and then sync to Ubuntu, but I
find Launchpad a more comfortable web ui to interact with.  Why is there not a
big button on e.g. that
says "Upload to Debian Testing"?

Or alternatively, I'm already wading in the Debian sea, but I'd like to help
my Ubuntu friends get the latest and greatest version of packages I maintain
in Debian.  Maybe it would be really cool if say had a big button that said
"Request sync to Ubuntu Main".

I think bridges and cooperation like this could go a long way to allowing both
sides to use the tools and processes they are most comfortable with (open
source == choice! :), and yet help both communities enjoy the hard work and
dedication of their respective members.

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