Proposal: add rarian-compat Pre-depends to fixed xml-core

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Oct 14 11:39:08 BST 2008

Hi all,

I just spent a while to analyze a common hardy->intrepid upgrade
problem [1] which is an incarnation of Debian's Etch->Lenny upgrade
problem of docbook-xml [2].

In summary, xml-core's update-xmlcatalog script is used heavily in
various prerm upgrade maintainer scripts (for unregistering documents,
the postinst registers them again), but was not working with just
perl-base, but needed perl-modules. Thus if you hit a particular
unpack ordering on upgrade, it blew up because the required perl
modules weren't available yet. See [3] for a reproduction recipe.

I applied Agostino's fix for update-xmlcatalog, tested it, and
uploaded a fixed xml-core.

What's left now is to ensure that it will actually be used during the
upgrade. For us, the problem manifests on replacing scrollkeeper with
rarian-compat, since both calls update-xmlcatalog. Therefore I propose
to add 

  Pre-Depends: xml-core (>= 0.11ubuntu1)

to rarian-compat, so that the fixed script is guaranteed to be
available even for the old (hardy) scrollkeeper postrm and
rarian-compat's prerm. See [4] for my proposed debdiff.

We can get away with not adding this kind of dependency to
docbook-x{m,s}l, since they did not change between hardy and intrepid.

Does anyone see a problem with this? 




Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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