Staging area for hardy-proposed ?

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Wed Jun 4 18:35:26 BST 2008

On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 06:33:49PM +0200, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le mercredi 04 juin 2008 à 17:28 +0200, Michael Vogt a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I would like to discuss if we should have a staging area for
> > hardy-proposed for updates that need to go in together at the same
> > time.
> What would that bring us? Upgrades that breaks something else should use
> some Breaks information to indicate that and the upgrade tools should
> set correctly everything on hold until the situation is resolved no?
> If that's not the case right no that's bugs in the tools and we should
> look at fixing those rather no?

Sorry that I haven't written my initial mail more clearly. I wanted to
ask for discussion about the fact that sometimes stuff in
hardy-proposed can not be upgraded because dependencies are missing
(not build yet).

I'm speficially having the example of in mind (just
because its a complex package, not to pick on it).

In hardy we have 2.4.0. In hardy-proposed we have
2.4.1~rc2. needs matching (or
other languages) packages. Those match the exact version of the they are build against (Depends: ooo (>= 2.4.0), ooo
(<< and they come from a different source package than OOo.

This means that even if they are uploaded at the same time there is a
certain chance that they enter hardy-proposed at different times. This
means that users on hardy see a upgrade in update-manager that he can
not install (grayed out) because the dependencies are not available
yet. No big deal, but a bit confusing. Depending on the situation the
"partial upgrade" feature kicks in that may remove packages.

For a user who upgrades at this time from gutsy to hardy with
gutsy-proposed enabled the situation is different. The
release-upgrader tries to upgrade everything and discovers that it
needs to remove the packages (or other
langauges) in order to upgrade It will stop the
upgrade because it will refuse to remove translations by default. He
gets a message that the upgrade can not be calculated.

As a alternative we could simply make update-manager not use -proposed
during release upgrades to workaround problem (2) and disable the
"partial upgrades" feature in update-manager that kicks in when the
apt resolver discovers that it needs to remove packages in order to
calculate a upgrade. so that problems in part (1) go away.

My feeling is that with automatic tools the manual overhead shouldn't
be that big.


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