8.04.1 to Intrepid upgrade test

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sun Jul 6 23:19:25 BST 2008

On Sun, 6 Jul 2008 15:01:24 -0700 Bryce Harrington <bryce at canonical.com> 
>For bulletproof-x, I'm a bit torn, as it has its uses, but with KDE now
>actively deprecating guidance-backends, and our own dropping of
>displayconfig-gtk due to its lack of xrandr support, overall it's
>exhibiting an increasing number of unaddressed bugs.  Debian's
>preference is to instead build an exception-handling capability directly
>into the xserver, which is probably a good idea but I've not had time to
>look into that, nor have they.  Pending that, I'm wondering if we should
>just switch off bulletproof-x mode for now?  The 'xfix' option (which
>essentially just does a "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg") will
>cover the case of an invalid xorg.conf; Jockey and Envy-NG are covering
>the proprietary module installation/configuration better; other BPX use
>cases are largely obsolete with current "config-less" X.org.
Jockey is still using guidance-backends, so it will be with us for a bit 
yet.  Once we're ready to remove the KDE front end from the package (I've 
already stripped the power manager binary from the package) I'm considering 
renaming the source package to guidance-backends.  Since Kubuntu won't be 
using it anymore, the name kde-guidance doesn't particularly fit.

I'd like to encourage anyone working on packages that depend on 
guidance-backends to move to something else so we can just remove it.

Scott K

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