Launchpad bug statuses

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Tue Oct 2 20:08:28 BST 2007

On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 03:04:27PM -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> I've written a piece at
> that describes the intended semantics and existing behaviour for
> Launchpad bugs. I'd love to hear your questions and comments about cases
> which we don't handle well so we can better improve the way the tool
> works.

I have a couple of minor comments:

Ubuntu sets Fix Released when the fix has been uploaded, although it
isn't necessarily generally available to users yet (because it may still
need to build, be mirrored, etc.). I think this is the right workflow
(we don't want to have to mess around gardening intermediate states for
the sake of the couple of hours it typically takes, or have to concern
ourselves with the semantics in the event that the upload fails to build
on some subset of architectures), but perhaps the text could be
qualified a little bit here.

You say that "Won't Fix" should only be used by the project lead. This
is a little too strong when applied to a distribution; there are plenty
of situations where "Won't Fix" may reasonably be applied by an
individual developer rather than the Technical Board. It should
certainly only be used by developers, though.

Otherwise, this seems like a pretty good overview.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at]

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