ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-discuss

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 5 15:35:23 GMT 2007

On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 06:00:28PM +0100, Francesco Fumanti wrote:
> >The primary awkwardness I've seen so far is messages which meet both of
> >these criteria.  For example, a call for testing of pre-release packages.
> >In these cases, cross-posting seems like the appropriate solution, has the
> >desired effect of reaching both groups, allows both broad community
> >discussion and focused development discussion, and allows subscribers to
> >choose to receive either or both.
> >
> >However, this is likely to have the undesirable side effect of causing a 
> >lot
> >of ubuntu-devel-discuss traffic to end up in the ubuntu-devel moderation
> >queue.  Since we want to keep that chore to a minimum, it would be good to
> >find a way to avoid this.
> What about only posting the first message with the call for testing 
> in both list and clearly stating in that crossposted message that all 
> replies to it should go to ubuntu-devel-discuss.

The trouble is that directions like this are often overlooked or
disregarded, both by programs and humans.  For example, my message contained
a Mail-Followup-To header meant to direct replies to ubuntu-devel and Barry,
and instead your reply was sent to me (personally) and the list, dropping
the CC.

> >One technical solution would be to drop messages which would otherwise be
> >moderated if they've gone to ubuntu-devel-discuss.  I don't know whether
> >this is straightforward to implement in Mailman.  Are there other
> >suggestions?
> Sorry, but I don't completely understand this.

Messages which are sent to ubuntu-devel by non-developers are queued for
moderation.  I suggested that messages which would have otherwise been
queued for moderation be dropped instead if they include
ubuntu-devel-discuss in To: or Cc:.

 - mdz

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