ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-discuss

Francesco Fumanti francesco.fumanti at gmx.net
Mon Mar 5 16:42:17 GMT 2007


>  > What about only posting the first message with the call for testing
>>  in both list and clearly stating in that crossposted message that all
>>  replies to it should go to ubuntu-devel-discuss.
>The trouble is that directions like this are often overlooked or
>disregarded, both by programs and humans.  For example, my message contained
>a Mail-Followup-To header meant to direct replies to ubuntu-devel and Barry,
>and instead your reply was sent to me (personally) and the list, dropping
>the CC.

>In addition to the problem I explained <snip> the appropriate reply 
>address depends on which list the user is reading.  Replies to 
>messages on
>ubuntu-devel-discuss should be directed back to that list only, rather than
>to ubuntu-devel.  This means that the reply instructions can't be set by the
>sender, but must be added by the mailing list, something which is often

I want to apologise for my previous reply not going where it should have gone.

But I wonder whether it does not also depend on the email client 
used, or its settings. For example, I am now using Eudora on MacOSX. 
To reply to your email, I choose reply and I get an email draft with 
only your personal address in the "To:" field. The "Cc:" and the 
"Bcc:" fields are empty. Moreover, I don't know whether there are 
others hidden email headers. As the email comes from the ubuntu-devel 
list, I manualy add the address of that list to the "To:" field of 
the reply email.
(I suppose that the list address would suffice, but as it is 
moderated and I want you to see my reply, I also send it to your 
personal address; please accept my apologies if this is inconvenient 
for you.)

Further, I assume that there are also non technical people on the 
ubuntu-devel-discuss list. Don't expect from these people to read and 
understand the email headers.

In fact, my idea was to add explicitely a phrase to the text in the 
email that gives to the people the email address for the reply. (And 
not rely on the header.)

I assume/hope that most people that read the email will follow that 
indication and will be able to put the address in the "To:" field of 
their reply.

As much as I can understand, you want it done as automatically as 
possible. Is this really possible with all the different email 
clients around?

>  > >One technical solution would be to drop messages which would otherwise be
>>  >moderated if they've gone to ubuntu-devel-discuss.  I don't know whether
>>  >this is straightforward to implement in Mailman.  Are there other
>>  >suggestions?
>>  Sorry, but I don't completely understand this.
>Messages which are sent to ubuntu-devel by non-developers are queued for
>moderation.  I suggested that messages which would have otherwise been
>queued for moderation be dropped instead if they include
>ubuntu-devel-discuss in To: or Cc:.

Thanks for the explanation. Now I get it. :)

Have a nice day.


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