SRU policy for universe

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at
Wed Jan 17 23:14:21 GMT 2007


Am Mittwoch 17 Januar 2007 22:14 schrieb Tollef Fog Heen:
> Stefan Potyra skrev:
> > Other options are (also I don't know if these are possible with lp as
> > is): * motu-sru can do uploads to -proposed that won't land in any queue
> Also not possible directly, but I (or another archive admin, but in
> reality I'm currently the only active one) could certainly just let
> uploads to -proposed go through without any review at all and only
> require the review for uploads to -updates.  This would cut down the
> delay to a day or so.

Ok, good to know.

> > * any motu can do uploads to -proposed that won't land in any queue,
> > motu-sru would do the verification which is now done by archive-admins,
> > once the package is already in -proposed. Note that this might backfire,
> > because it implies somewhat to allow everything in the first place and
> > remove the bad stuff then, whereas we currently queue all stuff and allow
> > only the good pieces.
> Due to a soyuz bug (or rather, missing feature), there's no way to
> remove packages from a non-release pocket (so no way to remove stuff
> from -proposed or -updates).


> > Other suggestions?
> While I see that the current process is problematic for MOTUs, I would
> like to ask for a little more time.  We're down two of three
> ubuntu-archive members, something we're going to discuss how to fix at
> the distro sprint next week.  Hopefully, we'll have at least one, maybe
> two more people doing archive work in two weeks which should speed up
> the process.  So, if we can have a little patience, I'm hoping the
> problem should become less severe soon.

Cool, sounds great.

However I'm still not entirely convinced, that the whole process for universe 
SRU's is optimal yet. There are also some high delays between the first 
debdiff and three acks from motu-sru, which might be another place to fix the 

Imho Jordan made a pretty good proposal, though this would kinda imply that 
the remove-from-non-release-pockets bug is fixed. What do you think of it?

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