How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?

Kilz _ kilzzz at
Fri Sep 29 23:41:17 BST 2006

>From: Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon at>
>To: ubuntu-devel at
>Subject: Re: How long will 64bit Ubuntu users have to wait?
>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 17:29:37 -0500
> > Thanks for proving that all my points were true. It seems Ubuntu dosnt 
> > about new users at all, or at least you dont. The next time someone 
> > me they do Ill remember these posts, and the link to them in the 
> > They should be a hoot on my blog and on groklaw.
>I have to quote Jerry on this one and add a few things ...
> >I don't understand your complaint. Are you arguing that Ubuntu paid
> >developers don't work on what you want? Are you angry that they didn't
> >choose to work on this? Are you angry that nobody did it for free? Are
> >you angry that you can't do it yourself?
>If this is truely that important to you IMPLAMENT IT , thats the great 
>about FL/OSS you have the RIGHT to do so.
>This has gone way beond the scope of the -devel list ( as there is no 
>being done on this ) please move this thread elsewhere. The developers have
>made their statements clear in that they dont think the way to go
>about "fixing" your issue is the way you propose ( e.g. installing and
>maintaing 32bit browersers on 64bit systems to apease closed source vendors 
>so you will have to either rally some devlopers togather to do this or do 
>your self, but you have that RIGHT under the GPL.
>Unless you have something more CONSTRUCTIVE to add , please refrain from
>holding a non-devlopment disscussion on the development list
>P.S. Do you really thing not having flash player or win32codecs stops me 
>using my ppc ibook with kubuntu every day? these things dont make an OS
>Brandon Holtsclaw
>imbrandon at
>ubuntu-devel mailing list
>ubuntu-devel at

Yet another person jumping in thinking I'm asking you to do something for 
me. Im not
Im asking you developers to stop making Newbies jump through hoops to get 
what they clearly want. In case you didnt read my last email. the 32bit 
Firefox howto has 32k hits on it. The wine has 19k hits. If that isnt proof 
that people want it. You will never get it.
I on the other hand already have it. You wouldnt be putting this in for me, 
but for the poor Windows user who is comming to Ubuntu who doesnt have a 
clue and cant jump through the hoops. After all isnt that what Ubuntu is 
advertised to do?

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