nspluginwrapper package

Michael Bienia michael at vorlon.ping.de
Sun Sep 24 00:34:37 BST 2006

On 2006-09-23 15:31:42 +0300, Ahmed El-Mahmoudy wrote:
> I've packaged nspluginwrapper but I don't have a 64-bit machine to test 
> it ! I know it has problems as someone called geser tested it and he got 
> compiling error, it said it needed a -fPIC compile/link option, anyways, 
> even when I apply a patch that adds this compile/link option it gave him 
> the same error.

That was me who did the testing for you :)

> Anyways, here's how I made the package: I followed the building steps in 
> the README, also I tried to mimic what I found in the 
> nspluginwrapper.spec (the README & spec file are in the orig tarball).
> So what is needed is someone with a 64-bit machine (for example amd64) 
> would test it & hopefully try to fix that package, as I don't think I 
> can do any more in that package without an access to a 64-bit machine.

I've had a quick look at the package. You try to build for 64bit and
32bit. The build for 64bit works fine but the build for 32bit won't work
as there are no devel packages for 32bit on amd64.

Michael Bienia (aka geser on IRC)

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