hoping for suspend2 sup0port in feisty

Travis Watkins alleykat at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 21:04:17 GMT 2006

On 11/27/06, Matt Price <matt.price at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> I know this has been revisited numerous times in the past, but I am
> hoping to get some measure of support for suspend2 in feisty.

Nigel Cunningham told me swsusp and suspend2 didn't do anything
different that would make suspend work or not work. suspend2's only
pluses over swsusp are things like image compression or encryption.
The reason people think suspend2 works on more systems is the tricks
in the hibernate scripts for suspend2 that our own scripts don't have.
The answer is to find out _why_ those scripts work and make sure our
scripts get the same functionality, not toss out everything we already
have (and thus break suspend for a different set of people).

Travis Watkins

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