Non-opensource drivers

Kevin Perros kevin.perros at
Mon Nov 27 07:57:22 GMT 2006

> "Do you want to install non-free drivers" is *really* something that 
> most of our users should never see. 

Users who insal Ubuntu ---->*DO*<---- know what is free software :)

It is, like I said before, not a matter of checkboxes, it is a matter of 
  making a Free Distribution along with a Non-Free One.

The user who chooses the Free one, has no checkboxes, buy only Free 
software, and maybe no wifi connection. By setuping internet 
repositories, he maybe will choose the fewest amount of non-free drivers 
based upon his policy.

The user who chooses the non-free has everything.

A thing I want to add is that, like I have seen I don't remember where 
on Ubuntu websites, is that non-free drivers often bring unstability, 
when it is not a *huge* instability. Be example, ATI drivers are a mess. 
   I mainly don't use them because they are packaged very badly, and it 
is un-possible to uninstall them, or to make them live with xorg ones on 
a same distro. More over, video decoding is twice as fast with free ones.

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