Picasa for Linux
Marco Cabizza
mc at newglobal.it
Mon May 29 16:15:41 BST 2006
Il giorno lun, 29/05/2006 alle 06.26 +0800, Joel Bryan Juliano ha
> On 5/29/06, Marco Cabizza <mc at newglobal.it> wrote:
> Unfortunately in my opinion the licensing issue is not enough.
> We don't
> want poorly-ported software - if Picasa *might even be*
> considered a
> porting - in our distributions. People will just see that
> their favorite
> software, Picasa, runs poorly under their Ubuntu Linux system,
> and say
> in the end that:
> 1) Emulation sucks because it's slow
> 2) Software for Windows is better the DIRECT Linux equivalent
> (Firefox
> as well respects this rule)
> How does OpenOffice.org's Java VM differs from Emulation in terms of
> speed?
I have never talked about OpenOffice.org and I am a strong LaTeX/Abiword
user (which _OF COURSE_ doesn't mean that anyone should be one).
Still, we're talking about something else, here the licensing issue
matters and OOo is actually free software :)
> I am not the only one[1] who thinks so, by the way. Speaking
> of
> emulation, in fact, we should consider it just if there is
> _NO_ free
> alternative to non-free software (I think about Flash for
> graphics and
> animation (there actually are alternatives for web-releated
> stuff[2])),
> and this is not the case.
> It's really hard to convience those proprietary developers to open
> source their software, unless, they really want it or 95% of global
> computer users use Linux.
Totally agree, unfortunately.
> If we really can't convience them, the only way is to make a similar
> open source version or use the Picasa approach, and by doing that, the
> only thing that is really important is to convience them to put those
> apps in universe.
Multiverse, still Picasa is _not_ free. Still, we should probably prefer
free software for programs who've got a free alternative.. I don't know
how many times I've expressed this concept :)
Take care
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