Picasa for Linux

Conrad Knauer atheoi at gmail.com
Sun May 28 23:41:57 BST 2006

On 5/28/06, Marco Cabizza <mc at newglobal.it> wrote:

> [Conrad, you forgot to post to the list]

Hmm... I just hit reply and assumed that it would go to the list;
sorry about that :)

Looks like I'll have to manually put the address in; are these
messages not getting a reply-to header added by the ML software?

> > As I understand it, its for quality control; by packaging it with a
> > version that's known to work really well, it avoids the various issues
> > Matthew Garrett mentioned.
> By using wine?

Well, that specific version of Wine anyway (as in Google Labs likely
considers that version to work the best with Picasa thusfar).

> I am using Debian and it doesn't work,

In what way? (does it even start?) as per
http://picasa.google.com/linux/faq.html its supposed to work with both
Sarge and Etch...

> should I file a bug (where?)

The Picassa page suggests
http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Labs-Picasa-for-Linux for

If there's a Debian equivalent of the Ubuntu Forums, that would be a
good place too...

> Unfortunately in my opinion the licensing issue is not enough. We don't
> want poorly-ported software - if Picasa *might even be* considered a
> porting - in our distributions. People will just see that their favorite
> software, Picasa, runs poorly under their Ubuntu Linux system, and say
> in the end that:
> 1) Emulation sucks because it's slow

It seemed to be quite fast and responsive on my system... As per

"Wine Is Not a (CPU) Emulator. Wine just provides the Windows API.
[...] The advantage is that, unlike solutions that rely on CPU
emulation, Wine runs applications at full speed. Sometimes a program
run under Wine will be slower than when run on a copy of Microsoft
Windows, but this is more due to the fact that Microsoft has heavily
optimized parts of their code, whereas mostly Wine is not well
optimized (yet). Occasionally, an app may run faster under Wine than
on Windows. Most apps run at roughly the same speed."


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