Picasa for Linux

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Sun May 28 23:26:51 BST 2006

On 5/29/06, Marco Cabizza <mc at newglobal.it> wrote:

Unfortunately in my opinion the licensing issue is not enough. We don't
> want poorly-ported software - if Picasa *might even be* considered a
> porting - in our distributions. People will just see that their favorite
> software, Picasa, runs poorly under their Ubuntu Linux system, and say
> in the end that:
> 1) Emulation sucks because it's slow
> 2) Software for Windows is better the DIRECT Linux equivalent (Firefox
> as well respects this rule)

How does OpenOffice.org's Java VM differs from Emulation in terms of speed?

I am not the only one[1] who thinks so, by the way. Speaking of
> emulation, in fact, we should consider it just if there is _NO_ free
> alternative to non-free software (I think about Flash for graphics and
> animation (there actually are alternatives for web-releated stuff[2])),
> and this is not the case.

It's really hard to convience those proprietary developers to open source
their software, unless, they really want it or 95% of global computer users
use Linux.

If we really can't convience them, the only way is to make a similar open
source version or use the Picasa approach, and by doing that, the only thing
that is really important is to convience them to put those apps in universe.

So, people, let's get realistic and forget Picasa for a couple minutes
> until we get a _real_ version for Linux :)
> ~marco
> [1] http://www.figuiere.net/hub/blog/?2006/05/27/410-dear-google
> [2] http://osflash.org/open_source_flash_projects
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