Picasa for Linux

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org
Sun May 28 12:02:33 BST 2006

On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 12:43:18PM +0200, Marco Cabizza wrote:

> Hope we don't really want that ugly wine hack in Ubuntu/Debian or
> whatever :)

Why not? Wine just adds another supported API to the Linux platform. 
It's obviously going to lag behind native code in terms of integration, 
but then to some extent the same is true of GTK apps on Windows.

> We should probably ask Google to release picasa as free software - or at
> least free to be distributed - AND to make a real decent porting,
> instead of this wine thing. It's really bad even on the formal side,
> because it should _depend_ on wine, not ship its own version.

Given that the necessary patches to wine have only just been released, 
and given that wine suffers from occasional regressions, this isn't 
terribly surprising.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at srcf.ucam.org

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