Request for mentoring help: accessibility SoC projects

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Fri May 5 09:56:50 BST 2006

Hello List,

I've put forward 3 projects ideas for accessibility enhancements to the 
Ubuntu desktop as part of the Google Summer of Code scheme. I'll be 
formally mentoring these myself (if the projects are accepted), however 
I am not a developer and will therefore not be able to advise on 
technical aspects of coding.

I would be very glad to have some community help with providing advice 
on coding and packaging. This is of course generally available in the 
community, so I don't think getting advice will be a problem, but having 
some established points of contact would also be great!

The details of the proposed projects can be seen here: under 'a11y'

Ubuntu Accessibility Team

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