Dapper Flight 5 Installation Report

Sandis Neilands sandisn at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 01:14:33 GMT 2006

Hello John!

On 3/15/06, John McCabe-Dansted <gmatht at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think it is constructive - if people start to feel that the bug
> > tracker is a black hole, it indicates we aren't providing enough
> > information to users about the process.
> As I understand, Ubuntu devel is focused on technical issues, and is
> intended for discussion of solutions rather than expressions of
> discontent or PR issues --- especially when a new version is about to
> be released. Ubuntu-sounder is more appropriate for such comments.

While I agree with you, how are you going to determine if some thread
is going to be OT before it gets reasonable amount of replies? By
killing threads/sending threads to sounder too early you might
actually lose some good input.

> Discussion of appropriate use of the -devel list is it self rather
> off-topic for -devel, and perhaps we should move this discussion to a
> Wiki? E.g.
>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelFAQ

If there would be a wiki page that clearly stated what is and what's
not appropriate for -devel AND if that page would be the first thing a
new subscriber encounters AND if threads weren't killed too early I'm
sure there would be less people discussing appropriate use of -devel

As for me, I will unplug my keyboard after I write this line :)

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