
James Livingston doclivingston at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 03:25:14 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 09:32 -0800, John Augustine wrote:
> Alex Mauer wrote:
> > One thing I've noticed along these lines is that a lot of the "setting
> > up phase" time is taken up with running 'ldconfig' each time a library
> > package is installed.  I think this could be optimized a lot by running
> > 'ldconfig' only once per install session, after all library packages (or
> > a dependency-based batch of them are installed.  Anyone see any problems
> > with this?
> Sounds like this would involve removing ldconfig from the
> postinst/postrm scripts in the package.  Not sure if this is acceptable,
> but a new process would have to be implemented where apt detects
> libraries being installed and runs ldconfig after they are all installed.

There will also be some dependency issues. Say you're two packages A and
B, where B depends on A. What if package B has an installation script
that requires A to be /completely/ installed (e.g. ldconfig has been

Figuring out whether it is safe to delay running ldconfig might be more
work that it is worth.


James "Doc" Livingston
"25 grams of wafers and 20 ml of wine undergo transubstantiation and
become the flesh and blood of our Lord. How many Joules of heat are
released by the transformation?" --Theological Physics exam, 1997
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