2c about the development of ubuntu

Ante Karamatic ivoks at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 3 15:19:37 GMT 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 05:21 -0200, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:

> Of course it will be, Debian syncs with Ubuntu too. Even better if the
> fix was sent to the netatalk developers. :)

Bug is in /etc/init.d/netatalk, so it's Debian related. It doesn't look
like netatalk maintainer synced, but I'll send him a patch (or URL even
better) - IIRC, I allready did that.

> Not necessarilly, it's not like you have to reboot for every security
> fix. But most servers are full of holes, and we don't see everyone
> jumping to OpenBSD, do we? ;)

If I'm not mistaken, zlib bug isn't that old :) And zlib is
everywhere :)

Ante Karamatic | 0xD3BDA225 | 0x0A4A0161
ivoks at grad.hr | ivoks at ubuntu.com | ivoks.blogspot.com
"Tomorrow is my day off, so please stay off the powder!"
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