Gnome Screensaver issues?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Feb 28 14:48:42 GMT 2006

Am Dienstag, den 28.02.2006, 15:26 +0100 schrieb Dan Holmsand:
> I've never had any problems with video players and xscreensaver, but 
> plenty with gnome-screensaver. And the latter doesn't even try (as far 
> as I can tell) to be backward compatible with xscreensaver.
with which video players ? please file bugs, else it wont get solved.
note that it was never a matter of the screensaver app to care for
simulating activity and that kscreensaver isnt compatible to
xscreensaver as well ... if you'd look into the code of the different
mediaplayers you'd be surprised how many different approaches for these
two alone exist to achieve the same results... i'm doing my best to make
all player apps working nicely with gnome-screensaver, but i can only do
that if you guys file bugs for the player apps where its not solved yet.
(note that i wont program that feature into apps that never supported

> >       * gnome-screensaver is the first attempt to integrate the
> >         screensaver more directly into the desktop.
> That's exactly how I feel. It's an interresting attempt. However, I 
> don't think that this attempt should merit default installation status 
> in Ubuntu just because it's called gnome-something.
its in consideration for default inclusion upstream, we dont include
stuff because its named gnome-something 

> > I'm sure the gnome-screensaver maintainer could add even more facts to
> > the list. In contrast to the amount of good things the screensaver
> > brings, the (at least in my eyes) unlikely use case of "configure my
> > screensavers" is not that important.
> I agree that the screensaver-configurability is a minor issue. But the 
> upstream maintainers' attitude (for gnome-screensaver and 
> gnome-power-manager) is not (again IMHO, of course). They seem to answer 
> most every bugreport with a "f*ck you, luser, we know better than you".
i fully agree, the attitude isnt right and i agree as well that there
should be configurability to a certain degree, but developing such a
thing and get it right takes time...

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