Dependence on Gnome's System Menu

Frank Siegert hugelmopf at
Wed Feb 22 20:41:07 GMT 2006

,---- George Farris wrote:
| Are you saying here that Ubuntu shouldn't try an offer a consistent
| interface to their users?

I think he made his point quite clear, that he is not against Gnome 
configuration tools, but against crippling non-Gnome configuration tools 
without reason.

| You are of course free to install other tools to perform these
| management functions.  The CUPS web interface is not fully functional
| out of the box I believe due to that fact that Ubuntu doesn't use the
| root account per say.  Not really sure as I don't use it.

I am joining this debate, because exactly this disabled CUPS webinterface has 
annoyed me before. Even if it is not functional without root account, why do 
you disable the interface completely? Some people might have enabled the root 
account and can use the interface, or they are in the correct groups and it 
just works, or whatever.


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