Dependence on Gnome's System Menu

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Feb 23 11:27:17 GMT 2006

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 11:56:21AM -0600, Rocco Stanzione wrote:
> As a non-Gnome user I've become increasingly frustrated with Ubuntu's 
> dependence on Gnome's configuration/administration interfaces.  My first 
> problem was with the removal of alsaconf, which admittedly sucks, in favor of 
> using the Gnome interface.  

I suggest that you look at how the Gnome interfaces interact with the
underlaying system services. You will notice that most of them have easy
shellscripts, which can be accessed directly from the shell. This is
true for both powermanagement (pmi) as well as alsa (~/.asoundrc).

If you think that they should have additional interfaces, so that
non-gnome users can access them more easily, please contribute such
interface for the windowmanager/desktop environment of your choice.

If you think they should be better advertised, please contribute to the
documentation team.


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