The sound crashes in the Mac Mini

Ben Collins bcollins at
Sun Feb 5 23:39:19 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-04 at 15:44 +0100, Toni Pizà wrote:
> Hi!
> First of all, I apologise because my english is very poor, and I don't
> know if this list is where I should write this complain. If I am
> mistaken, please tell me where I can explain my problem.
> I have a Mac Mini, and today I installed the KUbuntu Dapper Flight-3.
> I'm conscious that is not a stable release, but I want to warn the
> developers that the sound crashes in the mac mini. 
> Previously I have been using Ubuntu Breezy and the sound works fine.
> Anybody can tell me if it's only a problem of the Flight-3, and if it
> will be fixed in the stable release?

Already fixed in git. Upload soon.

Ben Collins
Kernel Developer - Ubuntu Linux

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