Dapper Drake LiveCD usage report

Alexandre Strube surak at surak.eti.br
Thu Feb 16 11:05:44 GMT 2006

Em Qui, 2006-02-16 às 10:12 +0100, Ricardo Pérez López escreveu:

> 7. The desktop shows in an English-Spanish mix. The localization is far
> from perfect. Firefox and OpenOffice.org appears in English, for
> instance.

This happens with several languages. The problem is that there's no room
for all those language packs. They've had to let most of them out (I'm
Brazilian, and the same happens with both portuguese pt_PT and pt_BR).

You can, however, customize your own LiveCD so you can put spanish
language packs. Some suggestions to get some space on livecd are:

- removing windows applications (there are some, like openoffice,
firefox, gimp, abiword, etc)
- removing asian fonts, if you don't need them

Among others.

Another suggestion, if spanish is a requirement, is taking a look at
guadalinex. They are collaborating with ubuntu in livecd's installation

Alexandre Strube <surak at surak.eti.br>
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