CD image size recovery suggestions

Jan Claeys lists at
Mon Aug 28 19:41:42 BST 2006

Op ma, 28-08-2006 te 11:13 +0200, schreef Sebastian Dröge:
> Am Montag, den 28.08.2006, 07:58 +0200 schrieb Øivind Hoel:
> > Back to the mono potential: since we already have mono, perhaps now
> > would be a good time to debate whether to drop rhytmbox in favour of
> > banshee? Banshee is much smaller than rhythmbox both in terms of CD
> > size and installed size, according to my trusty old apt-cache command.
> > In addition, banshee seems to offer a more complete package,
> > especially if banshee-official-plugins is also supplied.
> At least banshee 0.10.X is not yet a complete replacement for rhythmbox.
> Stuff like internet radio (yes, it is in official-plugins but
> official-plugins is more targeted at 0.11/0.12) and a itunes-like
> browser mode (the artist-album-tracks view) is missing. Apart from that
> rhythmbox currently can handle large libraries with much lower memory
> usage.
> This all (and much more) should be fixed or added with 0.12.X but not in
> the edgy timeframe. 

Quod Libet (including extensions & plugins) is smaller & faster and it
already has all these features, plus it's also a tag editor.

Oh, and it doesn't crash when I have a scan of the booklet front page or
other non-music files next to my .ogg files...   ;-)

Jan Claeys

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