Kerberos, ADS and NFSv4

Jerry Haltom wasabi at
Tue Aug 15 19:39:41 BST 2006

I've written down a braindump of some of my thoughts on this subject
(over a year ago) at
You're welcome to write down more, or assist.

I don't believe there is a Canonical push in this area yet. I think
though that if there was some community activity, it wouldn't be hard to
get official support + assistance for it.

On Tue, 2006-08-15 at 09:27 -0700, George Farris wrote:
> IS Edgy finally going to have support to easily configuring the
> workstation to connect to services such as: Samba ADS, NFSv4 with
> Kerberos authentication?  I believe we really need this to take Ubuntu
> to the next step in the corporate world.  Both Fedora and SUSE handle
> this "out of the box" with GUI admin utilities.
> It has been talked about here before but I haven't seen anything mention
> this time around on Edgy.
> I would love to be able to sit down, install Ubuntu and connect to an
> NFSv4/Kerberos server.  At the College where I work it would also be
> great to be able to authenticate with the Windows 2003 box without
> having to drop into command line hell.  Configure, connect, done, 2
> minutes.
> Thanks
> -- 
> George Farris   farrisg at
> Malaspina University-College
> “Our species’ survival depends on how fast we embrace the moral shift from 
> ‘patriot’ to ‘global citizen’.”

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