Kerberos, ADS and NFSv4

George Farris farrisg at
Tue Aug 15 17:27:10 BST 2006

IS Edgy finally going to have support to easily configuring the
workstation to connect to services such as: Samba ADS, NFSv4 with
Kerberos authentication?  I believe we really need this to take Ubuntu
to the next step in the corporate world.  Both Fedora and SUSE handle
this "out of the box" with GUI admin utilities.

It has been talked about here before but I haven't seen anything mention
this time around on Edgy.

I would love to be able to sit down, install Ubuntu and connect to an
NFSv4/Kerberos server.  At the College where I work it would also be
great to be able to authenticate with the Windows 2003 box without
having to drop into command line hell.  Configure, connect, done, 2


George Farris   farrisg at
Malaspina University-College

“Our species’ survival depends on how fast we embrace the moral shift from 
‘patriot’ to ‘global citizen’.”

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