High-res 'bootsplash'

Scott James Remnant scott at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 1 16:56:06 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 23:37 -0400, John Richard Moser wrote:

> Scott James Remnant wrote:
> > On Sun, 2006-07-30 at 15:14 -0400, John Richard Moser wrote:
> > 
> >> Matthew Garrett wrote:
> >>> On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 03:08:20PM +0200, Jonathan Carter wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I just read this blog entry from Debian planet, would this solve the
> >>>> suspend problem with a high-res usplash?
> >>>>
> >>>> http://hughsient.livejournal.com/2591.html
> >>> Unlikely, I'm afraid. There /is/ a potential mechanism for this - rather 
> >>> than using the kernel framebuffer driver, we could do vesa in userspace. 
> >>> This has a couple of drawbacks (x86-specific, would probably need 
> >>> additional code written in order to support amd64) but would allow 
> >>> higher resolutions without being likely to break suspend/resume.
> >>>
> >> Could use VESA kdrive, but uh.  Okay so kdrive is really lightweight and
> >> all, but it's still, you know.  An X server.  It's BIG compared to a
> >> single-function, tiny little program to scribble on the screen!
> >>
> > If we've got an X server, I'm putting a frickin' login screen up -- not
> > a splash screen.  People can then be typing their username and password
> > while the machine boots
> It's not so much a full X server (Xorg has extensions and driver modules
> and everything) as it is the minimal you need for things to work.  Also
> it kind of only takes 2 megs of compressed space (if that) to get Kdrive
> + GTK + Xlibs; if all we're interested in is images and text then GTK
> can be ditched.
Yet it's the minimum we need for a login screen; I didn't say it had to
be gdm, just something we can draw on and receive input for (which
usplash can't do).

Scott James Remnant
scott at ubuntu.com
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