update-grub and kopt / groot lines

Hervé Fache Herve at lucidia.net
Tue Aug 8 17:22:41 BST 2006

So basically, you're saying RTFM. But I have to agree with Dmitriy:
commented stuff is normally inactive, and I was bitten too by the
menu.lst behaviour.

It would be nice to have a configuration file in /boot/grub with this
kind of information. This way menu.lst can be purely autogenerated
from, say, menu.conf.

I could even give it a go myself, with a bit of startup help on how to
modify a package...


On 8/8/06, Florian Zeitz <Florian.Zeitz at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy schrieb:
> > While I understand the reluctance to change this, since this is legacy
> > Debian way of doing things, I think the complaint is valid. The current
> > implementation is subverting the meaning of comment syntax. Everywhere
> > you look # means that anything after it doesn't affect the
> > configuration, where in menu.lst the situation is effectively reversed
> > and confused. Anything uncommented will work right away, but will be
> > overwritten on the next kernel update, but anything commented will not
> > be active, but will suddenly activate after the next kernel update. This
> > is the same awful syntax subversion that red hat's chkconfig is using
> > (they are using comments in the service control scripts for service
> > specific settings). I would suggest either making a separate config file
> > in /etc or taking FreeBSD /etc/default schema, and comparing template
> > menu file in /etc/default with the actual file (possibly hand edited) in
> > the /boot/grub and merging the changes keeping hand edited info.
> >
> This approach is a lot more complicated. If people don't read a comment
> saying "Don't uncomment this." and "This section will be modified if you
> change it just change the things after the comments to make them suite
> your needs". (Not quoting the actual text, but it's obvious meaning)
> They won't read a comment saying "This file will be modified if you
> change it, just change the file /etc/default/grub.conf to your needs".
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
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