update-grub and kopt / groot lines

Florian Zeitz Florian.Zeitz at gmx.de
Tue Aug 8 17:02:14 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy schrieb:
> While I understand the reluctance to change this, since this is legacy
> Debian way of doing things, I think the complaint is valid. The current
> implementation is subverting the meaning of comment syntax. Everywhere
> you look # means that anything after it doesn't affect the
> configuration, where in menu.lst the situation is effectively reversed
> and confused. Anything uncommented will work right away, but will be
> overwritten on the next kernel update, but anything commented will not
> be active, but will suddenly activate after the next kernel update. This
> is the same awful syntax subversion that red hat's chkconfig is using
> (they are using comments in the service control scripts for service
> specific settings). I would suggest either making a separate config file
> in /etc or taking FreeBSD /etc/default schema, and comparing template
> menu file in /etc/default with the actual file (possibly hand edited) in
> the /boot/grub and merging the changes keeping hand edited info.
This approach is a lot more complicated. If people don't read a comment
saying "Don't uncomment this." and "This section will be modified if you
change it just change the things after the comments to make them suite
your needs". (Not quoting the actual text, but it's obvious meaning)
They won't read a comment saying "This file will be modified if you
change it, just change the file /etc/default/grub.conf to your needs".
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)


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