OpenOffice/Gnome file dialogs

Paul M Edwards pauledwards at
Fri Sep 30 17:46:37 CDT 2005

I see nothing about my suggestions that demand the user knows about ~/.fonts/.

The symbolic link could be setup automatically.
fonts:/// does not expose the user to ~/.fonts/.
Right-click functionality would not expose the user to ~/.fonts/.
Paul M Edwards

On 9/30/05, Kent Nyberg <nyberg.kent at> wrote:
> fre 2005-09-30 klockan 12:18 -0700 skrev Paul M Edwards:
> > I like the suggestion to link the hidden folder as a visible folder. I
> > used that a few years ago when I was still figuring out Linux.
> >
> > Isn't this another way to add to ~/.fonts/ ?
> > - browse "fonts:///" in Nautilus
> > - simply drop new items in there
> > Maybe that needs root...
> >
> > There probably should be a context menu for font items that says
> > simply "Install Font".
> did you miss the above message? The user does not need to know
> about .fonts.  I admit this is not easy to find for new users, but its
> possible to go to System->Settings->Fonts->Detail->Go to font-folder.
> >From there you can just drop your new fonts.
> Its not as easy as clicking on "Install new fonts", like how the
> theme-manager handles themes - but it is not as impossible as it is for
> new users to find hidden directories via the filebrowser. So, to sum it
> up, There is a way - and it is not impossible.

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